Blog Archive is good ...

About Me

brum, west mid, United Kingdom
worlds biggest failure. would've been the worlds un-coolest guy... but J. Clarkson took that hands down ..

Tuesday 20 September 2016


... what is it? Is it infinity plus one or
     infinity minus one



  1. Inky,
    Nice to know that your still posting. Just started again,after a long pause because of the dreadful way that the media are trying to destroy Corbyn.
    Great pity that footymad self- exploded and ruined STB as we had great fun and SHA is full of immature kids. I miss many that used to post on there and have lost contact with most.
    Your mate
    A very old Spion

    1. Hello Spion,
      Yeah, I miss STB and all those who used
      to post on there, I read 'OftenPartisan'
      for any Blues news. I still check up on you and Fat Buddha,( he's just
      started his blog again,) and I get the
      odd email from Tas. Stay young mate...
