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brum, west mid, United Kingdom
worlds biggest failure. would've been the worlds un-coolest guy... but J. Clarkson took that hands down ..

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Silver leaves....

So, 'tis the season of the back-slapping politicians. We had a crowd of
them in town last week, not sure (they all sound the same to me) but
I think it was the "Nice but Dimlebs. Never listen to their words now,
doubt many of us do, but I did listen to a guy named John Davies on
the local radio, he's my new hero, (well almost) I guess it's because all
that he said echoed my own thoughts.
    He talked mostly about the mess the banks are in, said quite simply
it started when Regan and Thatcher ( man that was hard to type) 
de-regulated them.  In simple terms this meant instead of being limited
to loaning out £10 for every £1 we put in, they could loan out £10,000
or what ever they wanted.... Hey, lets just trade in money, sod the miners,
sod the steal workers, sod any manufacturing industry, just give that lot
of peasants,  mops and buckets and call them the 'Service Industry"
      Most chilling of his comments were on the bail-out of the banks. He 
said the myth that this was done to protect joe public, wasn't a myth, it
was a lie to protect bankers and the politicians themselves. He said that
three years ago, the "casino' side of banks could have been left to go to
the wall with little or no effect to the public's money. Asked could we
still do this, his answer was ... yes ...
      I say Mr. Davies is almost my hero, but not quite, because there are
many guys out there that have the words we don't have, many that have
the where-withal to help us,  but don't... 

footnote....  though it hurts me to say it...
the act of bailing out the banks was not capitalism ....


  1. I've yet to do the headphones bit: however the article resonated very strongly with my beliefs-Marx was, in respect of the internal contradiction of Capitalism, bang on the money-he just never know how much!
    Off to re-read the ragged Trousered Philanthropists again.

  2. .. ha ha ... that book has been recommended to me
    more than any other, and still I haven't read it, I really must.
    Bit like back in the day the Beatles were kings, the whole
    world was tellin' me how good they were, I knew how good
    they were, so no way could I buy any of their albums ... hmmm.
